TCBPRESHJEANS505 Pre-Shrunk Jeans (Type 505)-One Wash-31
このジーンズは、60年代後半、物流網が整備され始めたアメリカで 新たなターゲットとしてニューヨークを中心とした東海岸で爆発的に広まったジーンズを参考にしています。
シルエットはやや細めで、裾にかけてテーパードしていく テーパードストレート。
ファスナーはデッドストック42TALON タテ糸ヨコ糸から別注したオリジナルのき生地です。
Pre-shurunk jeansに使用している生地は、60~70年代の純粋な ブルーの色目とムラ感、そして毛羽立ちが特徴です。 50年代までのXX生地と違い、染めも浅くなり、ジーンズが作業着から ファッションとして変化していく背景が生地をみるだけでも感じることが できます。 生地屋さん曰く、生地の毛羽は織り方で調整できる訳でもなく、 綿そのもののポテンシャルで決定付けされるようです。
綿はサンフォーキンコットンと呼ばれる綿を使用しています。 サンフォーキンコットンは、カリフォルニアのど真ん中に広がる広大な 農地、セントラルバレーの南の方で作られています。 この農地は、周囲を囲む山脈の雪解け水を利用してできたもので、 綿はこの雪解け水を源とした地下水を使って育てられています。 このサンフォーキンコットンの特徴として、天然でふわっと膨らんでいる らしく、撚りを入れたときに良い毛羽がでるそうです。 その毛羽が私のイメージする、60~70’sなジーンズにピッタリ だったので、今回使用させていただきました。 一応、たてよこ7×7の13ozクラスです。 一応とかクラスという言い回しにするのは、ムラ糸なのだから 糸の太さも生地の重さも一定でないだろうというのが持論なのです。
This jeans refers to jeans explosively spreading on the east coast mainly New York as a new target in the United States in the second half of the 1960s where distribution networks began to be developed.
Rarity salvedge specification with 505 base.
Silhouette is a little narrow
tapered towards the hem
tapered straight.
Using the 42TALON zipper same as the original dead stock.
The fabric is an original bespoke from a warp yarn thread.
The fabric used for Pre-shurunk jeans is characterized by pure blue color and unevenness in the 60s and 70s
and fluff.
Unlike the XX fabric until the 50's
the dyeing becomes shallow and the background that jeans change from work clothes as fashion can be felt even by seeing the fabric.
The fabric shop says the fluff of the dough is not necessarily adjustable by weaving
but it seems to be decided by the potential of cotton itself.
Cotton uses cotton called San Joaquin cotton.
San Joaquin Cotton is made in the south of the Central Valley
a vast farmland spreading in the middle of California.
This farmland was made by using snowmelt in mountain ranges surrounding the crown
and cotton is raised using groundwater that originated from this snowmelt water.
As a feature of this San Joaquin cotton
it is fluffy in nature and fluffy
and it seems that good fuzz appears when twisting.
San Joaquin cotton was perfect for 60 ~ 70's jeans that the designer imaged.
This jeans refers to jeans explosively spreading on the east coast mainly New York as a new target in the United States in the second half of the 1960s where distribution networks began to be developed.
Rarity salvedge specification with 505 base.
Silhouette is a little narrow
tapered towards the hem
tapered straight.
Using the 42TALON zipper same as the original dead stock.
The fabric is an original bespoke from a warp yarn thread.
The fabric used for Pre-shurunk jeans is characterized by pure blue color and unevenness in the 60s and 70s
and fluff.
Unlike the XX fabric until the 50's
the dyeing becomes shallow and the background that jeans change from work clothes as fashion can be felt even by seeing the fabric.
The fabric shop says the fluff of the dough is not necessarily adjustable by weaving
but it seems to be decided by the potential of cotton itself.
Cotton uses cotton called San Joaquin cotton.
San Joaquin Cotton is made in the south of the Central Valley
a vast farmland spreading in the middle of California.
This farmland was made by using snowmelt in mountain ranges surrounding the crown
and cotton is raised using groundwater that originated from this snowmelt water.
As a feature of this San Joaquin cotton
it is fluffy in nature and fluffy
and it seems that good fuzz appears when twisting.
San Joaquin cotton was perfect for 60 ~ 70's jeans that the designer imaged.