These pants are made from American Sea Island cotton, a highly rare variety of cotton that is scarcely found among cotton harvested worldwide.
The use of American Sea Island cotton in denim is exceptionally uncommon.
What exactly is Sea Island cotton?
American Sea Island Cotton is an exceptionally scarce type of cotton, with only 0.000004% of it being harvested globally.
It has been used by the British Royal Court since the late 16th century, and its rarity has prevented its export to other countries.
This top-quality Sea Island cotton boasts the world's longest and finest fibers.
However, cultivation of this cotton ended in 1922 due to pest damage.
Nearly a century later, American Sea Island cotton was reintroduced in 2017 using cotton with the same DNA, grown in fields that are part of the ”Better Cotton Initiative" (BCI), ensuring traceability to the final product.
The yarn is spun with a high blend (70-80%) of fallen cotton, produced when American Sea Island cotton is spun, mixed with virgin Sea Island cotton to maintain yarn strength.
Woven fabrics
The fabric is meticulously and densely woven on a traditional power loom (shuttle loom).
With over 70% fallen Sea Island cotton, the standout feature of this denim is its nep feeling, uneven and rugged appearance, and the beautiful luster reminiscent of spun yarn from the early days of denim in the 1880s.
The use of American Sea Island cotton in denim is exceptionally uncommon.
What exactly is Sea Island cotton?
American Sea Island Cotton is an exceptionally scarce type of cotton, with only 0.000004% of it being harvested globally.
It has been used by the British Royal Court since the late 16th century, and its rarity has prevented its export to other countries.
This top-quality Sea Island cotton boasts the world's longest and finest fibers.
However, cultivation of this cotton ended in 1922 due to pest damage.
Nearly a century later, American Sea Island cotton was reintroduced in 2017 using cotton with the same DNA, grown in fields that are part of the ”Better Cotton Initiative" (BCI), ensuring traceability to the final product.
The yarn is spun with a high blend (70-80%) of fallen cotton, produced when American Sea Island cotton is spun, mixed with virgin Sea Island cotton to maintain yarn strength.
Woven fabrics
The fabric is meticulously and densely woven on a traditional power loom (shuttle loom).
With over 70% fallen Sea Island cotton, the standout feature of this denim is its nep feeling, uneven and rugged appearance, and the beautiful luster reminiscent of spun yarn from the early days of denim in the 1880s.
我們使用世界級的快遞公司如EMS, FedEx和DHL來運送產品。
我們努力在收到訂單後2 - 3個工作日內從倉庫發貨,通常訂單到達大多數東亞國家和北美需要2 - 3天,世界其他地區需要4 - 7天。
These pants are made from American Sea Island cotton, a highly rare variety of cotton that is scarcely found among cotton harvested worldwide.
The use of American Sea Island cotton in denim is exceptionally uncommon.
What exactly is Sea Island cotton?
American Sea Island Cotton is an exceptionally scarce type of cotton, with only 0.000004% of it being harvested globally.
It has been used by the British Royal Court since the late 16th century, and its rarity has prevented its export to other countries.
This top-quality Sea Island cotton boasts the world's longest and finest fibers.
However, cultivation of this cotton ended in 1922 due to pest damage.
Nearly a century later, American Sea Island cotton was reintroduced in 2017 using cotton with the same DNA, grown in fields that are part of the ”Better Cotton Initiative" (BCI), ensuring traceability to the final product.
The yarn is spun with a high blend (70-80%) of fallen cotton, produced when American Sea Island cotton is spun, mixed with virgin Sea Island cotton to maintain yarn strength.
Woven fabrics
The fabric is meticulously and densely woven on a traditional power loom (shuttle loom).
With over 70% fallen Sea Island cotton, the standout feature of this denim is its nep feeling, uneven and rugged appearance, and the beautiful luster reminiscent of spun yarn from the early days of denim in the 1880s.
The use of American Sea Island cotton in denim is exceptionally uncommon.
What exactly is Sea Island cotton?
American Sea Island Cotton is an exceptionally scarce type of cotton, with only 0.000004% of it being harvested globally.
It has been used by the British Royal Court since the late 16th century, and its rarity has prevented its export to other countries.
This top-quality Sea Island cotton boasts the world's longest and finest fibers.
However, cultivation of this cotton ended in 1922 due to pest damage.
Nearly a century later, American Sea Island cotton was reintroduced in 2017 using cotton with the same DNA, grown in fields that are part of the ”Better Cotton Initiative" (BCI), ensuring traceability to the final product.
The yarn is spun with a high blend (70-80%) of fallen cotton, produced when American Sea Island cotton is spun, mixed with virgin Sea Island cotton to maintain yarn strength.
Woven fabrics
The fabric is meticulously and densely woven on a traditional power loom (shuttle loom).
With over 70% fallen Sea Island cotton, the standout feature of this denim is its nep feeling, uneven and rugged appearance, and the beautiful luster reminiscent of spun yarn from the early days of denim in the 1880s.
我們使用世界級的快遞公司如EMS, FedEx和DHL來運送產品。
我們努力在收到訂單後2 - 3個工作日內從倉庫發貨,通常訂單到達大多數東亞國家和北美需要2 - 3天,世界其他地區需要4 - 7天。