S710SC-KI 18oz 'Samurai Cotton Project' SLIM STRAIGHT JEANS-One Wash-38
The Japanese color “kinari” roughly translates as ecru or beige and is a beautiful natural hue achieved here by keeping and using all the little bits of cotton stems and leaves that are usually thrown away. We’ve created an original thread that retains all this natural goodness and have left out any kind of dyeing or bleaching in order to preserve the look and feel of the original cotton itself. We then wove these natural threads on vintage looms resulting in a gorgeous ‘kinari’ color and a texture that is at once heavy uneven yet eminently wearable. A texture not to be found anywhere else.
- 18oz Ecru selvedge denim
- Samurai cotton pocket lining
- Iron made rising-sun button
- Copper rivets
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