Mauriat new skinny / 11.5oz Stretch Denim-24
The silhouette is processed to look like raw denim. In spite of the tough material of the jeans, the silvery sheen of the appearance creates a luxurious impression. The versatile silhouette is perfect for any genre of style, and the stretch material makes them easy to wear, which is another popular feature.
- Material: 95% cotton, 5% polyurethane
The silhouette is processed to look like raw denim. In spite of the tough material of the jeans, the silvery sheen of the appearance creates a luxurious impression. The versatile silhouette is perfect for any genre of style, and the stretch material makes them easy to wear, which is another popular feature.
- Material: 95% cotton, 5% polyurethane
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The silhouette is processed to look like raw denim. In spite of the tough material of the jeans, the silvery sheen of the appearance creates a luxurious impression. The versatile silhouette is perfect for any genre of style, and the stretch material makes them easy to wear, which is another popular feature.
- Material: 95% cotton, 5% polyurethane
Kami dengan bangga menawarkan pengiriman ekspres seluruh dunia gratis untuk pesanan lebih dari Rp2,000,000.
Kami menggunakan perusahaan kurir kelas dunia seperti EMS, FedEx, dan DHL untuk mengirimkan produk secara internasional.
Kami berusaha untuk mengirimkan produk dari gudang kami dalam 2 hingga 3 hari kerja dan biasanya membutuhkan 2 hingga 3 hari untuk pesanan yang mencakup sebagian besar negara-negara Asia Timur dan Amerika Utara, dan 4 hingga 7 hari untuk negara lain di selurug dunia.