ONI642-13BK 13oz Jet Black Denim Relax Tapered

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Rp 4.013.800,00
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ONI642-13BK 13oz Jet Black Denim Relax Tapered
People always ask ONI to make more black denim and the master delivers. But when ONI does something, they do it right. This 13oz denim is the blackest denim ONI have ever done. Dyed multiple times in pitch black to achieve this rich, dark black that no one else can achieve with rope dyeing. A lot of technical adjustments were necessary to make this dye possible. Unlike most of ONI's denim, this fabric had to be sanforized and skewed to make sure the dark color is as uniform as possible- that is why the numbers are slightly different than usual. Please refer to the size charts when picking your size. This 13oz denim has a crispy feel with a lot of texture. Give this beautiful denim some wear and you will some beautiful fades as the base is so dark and it is just waiting to reveal it's lighter core.

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People always ask ONI to make more black denim and the master delivers. But when ONI does something, they do it right. This 13oz denim is the blackest denim ONI have ever done. Dyed multiple times in pitch black to achieve this rich, dark black that no one else can achieve with rope dyeing. A lot of technical adjustments were necessary to make this dye possible. Unlike most of ONI's denim, this fabric had to be sanforized and skewed to make sure the dark color is as uniform as possible- that is why the numbers are slightly different than usual. Please refer to the size charts when picking your size. This 13oz denim has a crispy feel with a lot of texture. Give this beautiful denim some wear and you will some beautiful fades as the base is so dark and it is just waiting to reveal it's lighter core.

Kami dengan bangga menawarkan pengiriman ekspres seluruh dunia gratis untuk pesanan lebih dari Rp2,000,000.

Kami menggunakan perusahaan kurir kelas dunia seperti EMS, FedEx, dan DHL untuk mengirimkan produk secara internasional.

Kami berusaha untuk mengirimkan produk dari gudang kami dalam 2 hingga 3 hari kerja dan biasanya membutuhkan 2 hingga 3 hari untuk pesanan yang mencakup sebagian besar negara-negara Asia Timur dan Amerika Utara, dan 4 hingga 7 hari untuk negara lain di selurug dunia.