SP-114 15oz 45th Earth Denim Jacket

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¥ 58.080,00
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SP-114 15oz 45th Earth Denim Jacket

45th Anniversary

Earth Denim

"Earth Denim" is born entirely from the blessings of the earth. The yarn is made from "FOX COTTON," revived by American entomologist Sally Fox in 1989, which is a 5000-year-old variety of brown cotton. Sally Fox warned against the massive use of defoliants and pesticides in cotton cultivation and pointed out that over 90% of the world's cotton is genetically modified. She then created organic cotton grown without the use of pesticides. This cotton retains the original color of the plant before it turns white due to human intervention. Natural indigo is used for the warp yarn, achieving deep color that can only be obtained at that time. The traditional Japanese dyeing technique of Skein(Kase) dyeing is adopted for dyeing, ensuring thorough dyeing to the core of the yarn. Rivets made of artificial materials are removed, nut buttons are used, and cotton thread before dyeing is used for sewing. "Earth Denim" is the ultimate organic denim made from materials nurtured by the earth, water, and sun.


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We strive to ship from our warehouse within 2 to 3 days of receiving an order and our customers typically receive their orders within a few days of shipping. Please note that we have no control over customs authorities in your country, which may from time to time delay the delivery of a package or, in rare situations, request for additional information or fees. We will do our best to assist you with any customs issues. Just reach out to us!

45th Anniversary

Earth Denim

"Earth Denim" is born entirely from the blessings of the earth. The yarn is made from "FOX COTTON," revived by American entomologist Sally Fox in 1989, which is a 5000-year-old variety of brown cotton. Sally Fox warned against the massive use of defoliants and pesticides in cotton cultivation and pointed out that over 90% of the world's cotton is genetically modified. She then created organic cotton grown without the use of pesticides. This cotton retains the original color of the plant before it turns white due to human intervention. Natural indigo is used for the warp yarn, achieving deep color that can only be obtained at that time. The traditional Japanese dyeing technique of Skein(Kase) dyeing is adopted for dyeing, ensuring thorough dyeing to the core of the yarn. Rivets made of artificial materials are removed, nut buttons are used, and cotton thread before dyeing is used for sewing. "Earth Denim" is the ultimate organic denim made from materials nurtured by the earth, water, and sun.


We are proud to offer free express worldwide shipping on orders over kr1,400.

We use world-class courier companies like EMS, FedEx and DHL to ship products.

We strive to ship from our warehouse within 2 to 3 days of receiving an order and our customers typically receive their orders within a few days of shipping. Please note that we have no control over customs authorities in your country, which may from time to time delay the delivery of a package or, in rare situations, request for additional information or fees. We will do our best to assist you with any customs issues. Just reach out to us!