TR24SS-806 Phone Tab Strap

¥ 6,600
TR24SS-806 Phone Tab Strap
Phone tab with Trophy Clothing logo.
It can be placed in a carrying case and lowered over the shoulder. It is also useful as a fall prevention when riding a motorcycle or in active situations. The cord is made of paracord, which is used for parachutes and has a very high load capacity to support a soldier's weight and heavy equipment. For quick access, the cord is connected to the main body with a nas-can. A double ring with engraved logo is also included.

- One size fits all
- Total length: 140 cm.
- Made in Japan


我們使用世界級的快遞公司如EMS, FedEx和DHL來運送產品。

我們努力在收到訂單後2 - 3個工作日內從倉庫發貨,通常訂單到達大多數東亞國家和北美需要2 - 3天,世界其他地區需要4 - 7天。


Phone tab with Trophy Clothing logo.
It can be placed in a carrying case and lowered over the shoulder. It is also useful as a fall prevention when riding a motorcycle or in active situations. The cord is made of paracord, which is used for parachutes and has a very high load capacity to support a soldier's weight and heavy equipment. For quick access, the cord is connected to the main body with a nas-can. A double ring with engraved logo is also included.

- One size fits all
- Total length: 140 cm.
- Made in Japan


我們使用世界級的快遞公司如EMS, FedEx和DHL來運送產品。

我們努力在收到訂單後2 - 3個工作日內從倉庫發貨,通常訂單到達大多數東亞國家和北美需要2 - 3天,世界其他地區需要4 - 7天。
