M6012RC 16oz Green Label WILD DUCK JACKET

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M6012RC 16oz Green Label WILD DUCK JACKET
Inspired by a quest for vintage aesthetics, WILD DUCK JEANS represents a forward-thinking approach to sustainable denim. Our search for unique texture and character led us to incorporate "fallen cotton."

This special denim is crafted with 40% typically discarded fallen cotton and recycled cotton, capturing the timeless appeal of vintage denim. The fabric’s natural nep texture conveys warmth and craftsmanship. With wear, it reveals the individuality of the wearer, making each piece truly unique.

The blend of fallen cotton and recycled fibers adds distinct variation and depth, creating a rich, textured look.

BIG JOHN places environmental sustainability at the core of its processes. The GREEN LABEL of WILD DUCK JEANS embodies the theme of coexistence with nature, showcasing a fresh approach to sustainable denim.

- 16oz selvedge denim (100% cotton)
- Green tab
- Special Wild Duck patch
- 100% Cotton (40% Recycled Cotton: 20% Fallen Cotton, 20% Recycled Fibers)
- Made in Japan

Care Instructions
- Fabric may shrink, stretch, fade, or transfer color with washing.
- Measurements are approximate; shrinkage may vary due to environmental factors, so please use as a guide only.
- Avoid tumble drying.
- Check the care label before washing.
- Do not use chlorine bleach.

Kami dengan bangga menawarkan pengiriman ekspres seluruh dunia gratis untuk pesanan lebih dari Rp2,000,000.

Kami menggunakan perusahaan kurir kelas dunia seperti EMS, FedEx, dan DHL untuk mengirimkan produk secara internasional.

Kami berusaha untuk mengirimkan produk dari gudang kami dalam 2 hingga 3 hari kerja dan biasanya membutuhkan 2 hingga 3 hari untuk pesanan yang mencakup sebagian besar negara-negara Asia Timur dan Amerika Utara, dan 4 hingga 7 hari untuk negara lain di selurug dunia.

Inspired by a quest for vintage aesthetics, WILD DUCK JEANS represents a forward-thinking approach to sustainable denim. Our search for unique texture and character led us to incorporate "fallen cotton."

This special denim is crafted with 40% typically discarded fallen cotton and recycled cotton, capturing the timeless appeal of vintage denim. The fabric’s natural nep texture conveys warmth and craftsmanship. With wear, it reveals the individuality of the wearer, making each piece truly unique.

The blend of fallen cotton and recycled fibers adds distinct variation and depth, creating a rich, textured look.

BIG JOHN places environmental sustainability at the core of its processes. The GREEN LABEL of WILD DUCK JEANS embodies the theme of coexistence with nature, showcasing a fresh approach to sustainable denim.

- 16oz selvedge denim (100% cotton)
- Green tab
- Special Wild Duck patch
- 100% Cotton (40% Recycled Cotton: 20% Fallen Cotton, 20% Recycled Fibers)
- Made in Japan

Care Instructions
- Fabric may shrink, stretch, fade, or transfer color with washing.
- Measurements are approximate; shrinkage may vary due to environmental factors, so please use as a guide only.
- Avoid tumble drying.
- Check the care label before washing.
- Do not use chlorine bleach.

Kami dengan bangga menawarkan pengiriman ekspres seluruh dunia gratis untuk pesanan lebih dari Rp2,000,000.

Kami menggunakan perusahaan kurir kelas dunia seperti EMS, FedEx, dan DHL untuk mengirimkan produk secara internasional.

Kami berusaha untuk mengirimkan produk dari gudang kami dalam 2 hingga 3 hari kerja dan biasanya membutuhkan 2 hingga 3 hari untuk pesanan yang mencakup sebagian besar negara-negara Asia Timur dan Amerika Utara, dan 4 hingga 7 hari untuk negara lain di selurug dunia.