STPT0020 KNEE JEANS 11oz Denim

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¥ 24.200,00
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[Design and silhouette]
These wide jeans have a beautiful silhouette, with the knee seam creating a moderate three-dimensional effect.
The waist has a button adjuster on the side for size adjustment.
They can be worn with a wide range of styles, from casual to elegant, regardless of the tops you choose to match.
This unisex item can be worn by both men and women.
11oz denim, 100% cotton
Denim fabric with a dry touch that is perfect for spring and summer.
Soft and easy to wear, it does not feel heavy even for denim.
Indigo is an attractive color that allows you to enjoy gradual color fading.
Light Indigo is a faded model made by craftsmen in Kojima, Okayama, allowing you to enjoy the fresh color of blue jeans.

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